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Don't worry PTFO Battlefield 1 players, you'll soon be able to demote inept squad leaders

Tired of squad leaders not doing their jobs? Good news, you'll soon be able to replace them, becoming a leader yourself.


Battlefield 1, like almost every Battlefield game before it, features a squad system that's supposed to keep teams organised when attacking or defending objectives. However, in order for your squad to directly affect the outcome of a match, it needs to have a squad leader that issues commands regularly.

Unfortunately, many players either don't know they can do that, or simply do not care. A lot of times, in fact, players aren't even aware they're squad leaders. As it stands, there's no way for squad members to become leaders. Which means they're stuck with their leaders.

According to DICE, this will soon change. The developer promised to bring the mutiny system from Battlefield 4 into Battlefield 1. A member of the game's development team with the nickname 'Striterax' told Reddit users it's one of the most requested features, and promised to add it in an upcoming patch.

The system in question allows any squad member to become the squad leader, provided they've requested a new order multiple times and their current squad leader didn't give out any.

This is great news for Battlefield 1 players who like be part of well-organised squad skirmishes, and really for anyone who wants to level up quickly and, above all, win games.

Battlefield 1 released last Friday on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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