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PopCap veteran and Uber Entertainment found new company PlayFab

PopCap veteran James Gwertzman has teamed up with Uber Entertainment to form PlayFab, a new company that will offer studios back-end support for online titles.

GeekWire reports that PlayFab was established after Uber, the developers behind Super Monday Night Combat, encountered great difficulty when trying to license its back-end services to other companies. The team offered Gwertzman funding and technology to found the new company after hearing him talk about the very same matter at a conference.

Now, PlayFab looks to provide several online services such as friend lists, server hosting, leaderboards, in-app purchasing models and online storage. The company is now finalising a $2.5 million funding round.

Discussing the new company, Gwertzman - who left PopCap in June last year - said, "We let game companies just focus on building a game, making it fun and doing what they do best. We take care of making sure they have a reliable service. We're confident we can do it better, cheaper and be more reliable than most developers."


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