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Pathologic 2 DLC The Marble Nest scurries out this month

Just in time for Halloween

Plagued village Pathologic 2 is expanding, with a DLC called The Marble Nest opening its doors before the end of the month. It’s its own story, putting you in the shoes of a new doctor, this time of the PhD variety. Scientist Dr. Daniil Dankovsky will only be on town for one day, so you’d better make the most of it.

This looks to be an updated version of the demo that was once available, which was also called Marble Nest. Dr. Dankovsky has been summoned by Death, and will get a different view of the events of the dying town. It should run you about two or three hours, and developers Ice Pick Lodge say that there’s “no need to refresh your memory if you’ve the main game a while ago.”

They also note that it’s a bit easier to survive than the base game was. Many people, including Brendy in his Pathologic 2 review, found its survival meters too demanding to enjoy its story and atmosphere. Which is a shame because it is apparently quite good, and also deeply haunted.

Ice Pick Lodge added a whole suite of difficulty options to the main game, but are aiming for The Marble Nest to be less demanding overall. “While you still need to manage your body, it’s less pressing. It’s almost as if the Bachelor didn’t try to cling to life too much,” they write. I enjoy that narrative reasoning very much.

The Marble’s Nest will be free if you own the base game before it’s release on Steam on October 28th. Otherwise it’ll be $10.

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