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Apex Legends Season 1 guide - Battle Pass details, roadmap, new characters

Entering the Wild Frontier

Season 1 of Apex Legends was launched with a patch on 19th March, and brought with it the "Wild Frontier" of a brand new Apex Legends Battle Pass; the speedy adrenaline-junkie that is Octane; and a host of balance changes, ability adjustments, and quality of life features. We'll go through every bit of it in our Apex Legends Season 1 guide, walking you through everything you need to know about the Battle Pass and all the new changes Season 1 has wrought.

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This Season 1 guide is just one small part of our massive Apex Legends guides series, all of which you can peruse by heading to our Apex Legends tips page. There you'll find tonnes of tips and strategies for all skill levels, as well as links to other pages on everything from the various Apex Legends characters to all of the stats and spray patterns for different Apex Legends guns & weapons, and much more.

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Apex Legends Season 1 guide - Battle Pass details, roadmap, new characters

Below we'll go over not just the release of Apex Legends Season 1 and its associated Battle Pass, but everything we know of the Apex Legends roadmap of things to come. Use the links below to skip ahead to any of these sections as you desire.

Apex Legends Battle Pass cost and details
Battle Pass rewards, skins, and cosmetics
New character - Octane
Changes to character abilities and hitboxes
Apex Legends roadmap - future updates and content

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Apex Legends Battle Pass details and cost

You can now purchase the new Apex Legends Battle Pass for Season 1 from the main menu in-game, via the Battle Pass tab at the top of the screen. You can choose to buy either the Battle Pass on its own for 950 Apex Coins (requiring a purchase of 1000 Apex Coins from the store for £7.99/$10.57), or you can buy the Battle Pass bundle for 2,800 Apex Coins (requiring a purchase of £23.98/$31.73 worth of Coins), which unlocks the first 25 tiers of the Battle Pass with the purchase, giving you all those cosmetic rewards immediately.

In order to unlock these cosmetics normally, all you really need to do is play the game and earn XP to increase your Battle Pass level (which incidentally is completely separate from your ordinary player level, so don't worry about that). With each new Battle Pass level, you'll unlock a new reward, all of which are listed below. You will also fully recoup the cost of the Battle Pass once you reach Battle Pass Level 97, according to the devs. This will allow you to purchase Season 2's Battle Pass for free if you play enough during Season 1.

Respawn have also added a feature where you can increase the amount of XP you earn by playing as a variety of different characters instead of sticking to just one, because, as they say, "we believe true mastery in Apex Legends means being a badass with anyone in any situation at any time". This will hopefully also encourage more variety in terms of team composition over the course of Season 1, instead of just seeing the same old Wraith/Lifeline/Bangalore picks time after time.

Some of these newly introduced cosmetics are free for everyone regardless of whether they buy the Battle Pass or not. In this respect it's rather like Fortnite's own Battle Pass; as you earn XP you unlock rewards regardless, but if you have the Battle Pass you'll unlock much more of them, and more quickly.

Battle Pass rewards, skins, and cosmetics

Below is a full table of all the rewards offered at each level of the Apex Legends Battle Pass. There's a lot of them, so I'd strongly encourage you to use the search bar at the top of the table if you're looking for one particular item.

Battle Pass LevelRewardsType
1Lifeline Skin (Revolutionary) Mirage Skin (Outlaw) Wraith Skin (Survivor)Premium
2Triple Take Skin (Harvest) Apex PackPremium Free
3Wraith Tracker (Season 1 Kills as Wraith)Premium
4Hemlok Skin (Patchwork) Gibraltar Tracker (Season 1 Wins as Gibraltar)Premium Free
5Wild Frontier Level 5 BadgePremium
6Bangalore Quip (Opening season. No time for an FNG) Pathfinder Tracker (Season 1 Wins as Pathfinder)Premium Free
750 Apex CoinsPremium
8Bloodhound Tracker (Season 1 Kills as Bloodhound) Wraith Tracker (Season 1 Wins as Wraith)Premium Free
9Prowler Skin (Navigator)Premium
10Wild Frontier Level 10 Badge Bangalore Tracker (Season 1 Wins as Bangalore)Premium Free
1150 Apex CoinsPremium
12BP Point Boost (2.5% Survival Time) Apex PackPremium Free
13Mirage Frame (Funny Bones)Premium
14Longbow Skin (Navigator) Bloodhound Tracker (Season 1 Wins as Bloodhound)Premium Free
15Wild Frontier Level 15 BadgePremium
16Mirage Quip (It's opening season, gotta love it...) Caustic Tracker (Season 1 Wins as Caustic)Premium Free
1750 Apex CoinsPremium
18Octane Frame (Flight Risk) Mirage Tracker (Season 1 Wins as Mirage)Premium Free
19Spitfire Skin (Patchwork)Premium
20Wild Frontier Level 20 Badge Lifeline Tracker (Season 1 Wins as Lifeline)Premium Free
2150 Apex CoinsPremium
22BP Point Boost (2.5% Survival Time) Octane Tracker (Season 1 Wins as Octane)Premium Free
23Wraith Frame (Silk Road)Premium
24Mozambique Skin (Navigator) Apex PackPremium Free
25Wild Frontier Level 25 BadgePremium
26Epic Apex Pack Caustic Tracker (Season 1 Damage Done as Caustic)Premium Free
27Pathfinder Quip (It's the season opening)Premium
28Mirage Tracker (Season 1 Kills as Mirage) Bangalore Tracker (Season 1 Damage Done as Bangalore)Premium Free
29Kraber Skin (Harvest)Premium
30Wild Frontier Level 30 Badge Gibraltar Tracker (Season 1 Damage Done as Gibraltar)Premium Free
3150 Apex CoinsPremium
32BP Point Boost (2.5% Survival Time) Bloodhound Tracker (Season 1 Damage Done as Bloodhound)Premium Free
33Pathfinder Tracker (Season 1 Kills as Pathfinder)Premium
34EVA-8 Skin (Patchwork) Apex PackPremium Free
35Wild Frontier Level 35 BadgePremium
36Caustic Quip (Opening season. Very well) Lifeline Tracker (Season 1 Damage Done as Lifeline)Premium Free
3750 Apex CoinsPremium
38Caustic Tracker (Season 1 Kills as Caustic) Octane Traker (Season 1 Damage Done as Octane)Premium Free
39Flatline Skin (Navigator)Premium
40Wild Frontier Level 40 Badge Wraith Tracker (Season 1 Damage Done as Wraith)Premium Free
4150 Apex CoinsPremium
42BP Point Boost (2.5% Survival Time) Mirage Tracker (Season 1 Damage Done as Mirage)Premium Free
43Apex PackPremium
44Alternator Skin (Patchwork) Pathfinder Tracker (Season 1 Damage Done as Pathfinder)Premium Free
45Wild Frontier Level 45 BadgePremium
46Gibraltar Quip (It's opening season) Apex PackPremium Free
4750 Apex CoinsPremium
48Gibraltar Tracker (Season 1 Kills as Gibraltar) Octane Skin (Messenger)Premium Free
49Peacekeeper Skin (Harvest)Premium
50Wild Frontier Level 50 BadgePremium
51Prowler Skin (Thrill of the Hunt)Premium
52BP Point Boost (2.5% Survival Time)Premium
53Apex PackPremium
54Devotion Skin (Harvest)Premium
55Wild Frontier Level 55 BadgePremium
56Wraith Quip (It's opening season. Our path is set...)Premium
57100 Apex CoinsPremium
58Octane Skin (Season 1 Kills as Octane)Premium
59Mastiff Skin (Patchwork)Premium
60Wild Frontier Level 60 BadgePremium
61Lifeline Frame (Pick Me Up)Premium
62BP Point Boost (2.5% Survival Time)Premium
63100 Apex CoinsPremium
64P2020 Skin (Harvest)Premium
65Wild Frontier Level 65 BadgePremium
66Bloodhound Quip (Open season. May the gods bless us)Premium
67100 Apex CoinsPremium
68Lifeline Tracker (Season 1 Kills as Lifeline)Premium
69Havoc Skin (Patchwork)Premium
70Wild Frontier Level 70 BadgePremium
71Bloodhound Frame (Nock Down)Premium
72BP Point Boost (2.5% Survival Time)Premium
73Apex PackPremium
74R-99 Skin (Harvest)Premium
75Wild Frontier Level 75 BadgePremium
76Octane Quip (Season's open amigos)Premium
77100 Apex CoinsPremium
78Bangalore Tracker (Season 1 Kills as Bangalore)Premium
79Wingman Skin (Navigator)Premium
80Wild Frontier Level 80 BadgePremium
81Gibraltar Frame (Land of Giants)Premium
82BP Point Boost (2.5% Survival Time)Premium
83Apex PackPremium
84RE-45 Skin (Patchwork)Premium
85Wild Frontier Level 85 BadgePremium
86Legendary Apex PackPremium
87Apex CoinsPremium
88Caustic Frame (Slaughterhouse)Premium
89BP Point Boost (2.5% Survival Time)Premium
90Wild Frontier Level 90 BadgePremium
91Pathfinder Frame (Building Bridges)Premium
92BP Point Boost (2.5% Survival Time)Premium
93Apex PackPremium
94Scout Skin (Patchwork)Premium
95Wild Frontier Level 95 BadgePremium
96Lifeline Quip (Open season. Let's go)Premium
97100 Apex CoinsPremium
98Bangalore Frame (Sharpened Senses)Premium
99R-301 Carbine Skin (Harvest)Premium
100Wild Frontier Level 100 Badge Legendary Havoc Reactive Skin (The Silver Storm)Premium
110Wild Frontier Level 110 Badge Legendary Havoc Reactive Skin (The Golden Idol)Premium

New character - Octane

Besides the Battle Pass, the big new feature that has arrived with Season 1 is the ninth character we've all been waiting for: Octane, the High-Speed Daredevil. And hoo boy, he really lives up to his name. The fastest and most mobile Legend yet, Octane has the ability to trade Health for movement speed at a moment's notice, leading to a very high-risk-high-reward style of play.

We've been hard at work trying out this new character since Season 1's release, and you can read all about what we've learnt in our Octane guide, which we've packed with practical tips and ability breakdowns.

Click the above image to view it at highest resolution.

Changes to character abilities and hitboxes

Coinciding with the 07 March patch notes, we received some more specific details regarding character changes, mainly revolving around the discrepancies regarding character hitboxes, with some characters occupying a much larger space than others (and thus being at a substantial disadvantage when it comes to getting shot). Well, with Season 1, these changes have been implemented - along with ability buffs and nerfs to certain characters. You can look over all the changes in detail in our Apex Legends Season 4 update/patch notes guide, but the gist is as follows:

  • The hitboxes for Gibraltar, Caustic, and Pathfinder (the three with the largest hitboxes) have been reduced to better fit their character models.
  • Caustic's Gas Traps and Nox Gas Grenades are more effective and on a lower cooldown.
  • There are more Survey Beacons in the world for Pathfinder to scan.
  • Bangalore's Passive movement speed bonus has been reduced.
  • Gibraltar's Ultimate now stuns teammates as it is supposed to, just like Bangalore's Ultimate.

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Apex Legends roadmap - future updates and content

Season 1 is here, but, according to Respawn, that's just the beginning of their vision for Apex Legends' future. The roadmap above promises new Legends, new weapons, and new loot to arrive with each season and its associated Battle Pass. We've had a new Legend, but we're yet to see new loot or new weapons arriving since the game's release (besides the introduction of the Havoc Energy rifle).

This means we're likely to see future updates coming soon after the release of Season 1. It's quite likely we'll finally see the new L-Star EMG Light Machine Gun unveiled sometime soon, as well as the release of a tenth character, Wattson, coming soon after.

Anywho, that should be enough to get you started with Apex Legends Season 1. I don't know about you, but I for one am very excited to dive back in and learn more about the new character, Octane - though be warned, because if you have the same idea you'll likely have to beat your teammates to the punch to play as him!

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