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There’s snow hope in this Frostpunk trailer

Frostpunk [official site] sounds like a musical subgenre invented on the hoof by a jolly Kerrang reporter but it’s not. It’s an upcoming videogame invented by the makers of the very un-jolly (but not bad) This War of Mine. It's set in a freezing future where earth is caught in a global whiteout and you have to manage a circular city that’s growing around a generator – your people’s principle source of warmth and energy. All the while tough decisions have to be made, like: "Graham is dead. Should we eat Graham?"

Here, there’s a new vid to show you.

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As with War O’ Mine it looks to be one part survivor management and one part difficult ethics. The frosty society will need to choose what to do with people too heavily wounded to work, for example. You could allow them to live on and strive to accommodate them and retain your sense of humanity and compassion. Or just do ‘em in, the SCROUNGERS.

It’s a pity we can’t see more of the cogs and switches but Adam got a short hands-on at lights and images smorgasbord E3 and told us all about it on the following week’s podcast too. He makes it sound quite good, with all its Victorian-style child labour laws and relentless coal-burning. A previous trailer was more cinematic, focusing on a dangerous climb up an icy cliff. It’s very bleak. But that’s what happens when you annoy mother nature.

There's still no concrete release date, but it's expected some time this year.

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