
Keeping alive and well my dads legacy, even now that he's gone.

  • 493 members
  • 96 posts
  • $841/month

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Early Access DM of the Rings Remaster
 / month

By joining our Patreon supporters you receive each panel of the remastered DM of the Rings one week prior to those on the website.

Name in Credits
 / month

Name in credits -will return if/when kids make videos.

"Sometimes I make videos. If you choose this reward, your name will appear in the credits as Patreon sends it to me. (Firstname + lastname.)"

Participate in Polls
 / month

There are a lot of opinions on what we should do with this place. When we ask the community for opinions, polls help us organize and see them in a collected space. Things like what kind of content you'd like to see, and what we should post/remaster next of dads old content will be available in this tier.

Forever Immortalized as a Goofy Name Guy
 / month

Sometime we need to name characters for content. At this tier level your username can be put into a random hat of optional names for prospective characters. It's like getting your name in credits, but better, because you get to watch your little idiot go on to do things like decorate his fictional home in cheetah print.

Recent posts by TwentySided


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