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Genshin Impact guide: Sunchildren locations

Where to find the seven sunchildren

A screenshot of some temple ruins in Genshin Impact Image: Mihoyo via Polygon
Julia Lee (she/her) is a guides producer, writing guides for games like The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Genshin Impact. She helped launch the Rift Herald in 2016.

After completing the Genshin Impact world quest “The Phaethons’ Syrtos,” you’ll find seven sunchildren around Evernight Temple. These ghost kids aren’t part of a formal quest, but you’ll get a five Primogems for finding them all. Our Genshin Impact guide maps out where to find all seven sunchildren.

Finding all seven children rewards you with the achievement “The Children of God Shall Dance.”

Once you find and talk to each kid, they’ll disappear. They also only appear during Evernight. We’ve listed the children and their locations below. The order you find them does not matter.


A map showing where to find Ion, a ghost child sitting in a mostly still formed ruin Graphic: Julia Lee/Polygon | Image sources: Mihoyo


A map showing where to find Isumenasu, a ghost child in a ruined area with a triangle mechanism nearby. Graphic: Julia Lee/Polygon | Image sources: Mihoyo

Isumenasu will originally be blocked off by an Evernight gate, if you haven’t grabbed the chest inside the room they’re in.

To open up the gate, go grab the nearby essence by the Place of Essence Worship, and turn it to Whitenight using the mechanism above the room. Run over to the pedestal with the Evernight Essence to activate a temporary triangle mechanism. Hit it to grab the treasure. If you turn it back to Evernight, there won’t be a wall anymore.


A map showing where to find Orupeusu on the edge of some ruins Graphic: Julia Lee/Polygon | Image source: Mihoyo


A map showing where to find Piramumon on the edge of a cliff in Evernight Temple Graphic: Julia Lee/Polygon | Image source: Mihoyo


A map showing where to find Rikoru, a ghost child standing near a huge gold-decorated arch. Graphic: Julia Lee/Polygon | Image sources: Mihoyo


A map showing where to find Risutaiosu, who is in a ruin with an entrance lower into Evernight Temple Graphic: Julia Lee/Polygon | Image sources: Mihoyo

Risutaiosu is hiding in a small room that you’ll need to glide down from the temple to see. Glide down the nearby cliff and you’ll see them inside.


Zhongli stands in front of a ghost child, Surepio, standing on an inclined entrance to some ruins. Graphic: Julia Lee/Polygon | Image sources: Mihoyo

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