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The League of Legends’ single-player spinoff has a new gameplay trailer

Ruined King will tell the story one of League’s most mysterious characters

Austen Goslin (he/him) is an entertainment editor. He writes about the latest TV shows and movies, and particularly loves all things horror.

Ruined King: A League of Legends Story, the first single-player game in the League of Legends universe, finally has its first gameplay trailer. The trailer debuted during The Game Awards 2020 and gives fans a brief preview of combat and characters, and even a glimpse at the Ruined King himself.

The trailer opens on the port-side town of Bilgewater, as a narrator explains a few things about the chaotic town to us. Players will get the chance to take on Bilgewater, and whatever evil is haunting it, using a team of playable League champions. There’s Illaoi, Miss Fortune, Braum, Pyke, Yasuo, and Ahri, which should give players a strong mix of League of Legends’ most popular champions, as well as a couple that are more under-appreciated.

It appears that you’ll gather your team, taking three champions into battle with you at once, as you explore the town and the caves and seas around it. Once combat actually begins, the game will shift from an overhead camera to a side view as the action changes into turn-based combat. Each character will have abilities they can use to help their party members or deal damage to the enemies they’re facing off against.

As for the story itself, that remains mostly a mystery, and the trailer’s narrator seems intent on keeping it that way. He mentions what an odd combination of heroes this group is and wonders what exactly brought them together. In the trailer’s final moments, the camera pans through a cloud of mist to reveal the Ruined King — a character from League of Legends lore that’s never been explored in the game itself.

Ruined King was originally set to come out in early 2021, however the development team at Airship Syndicate, in partnership with Riot through its Riot Forge publishing program, has chosen to delay the game at bit to later in 2021. Ruined King is set to come out on consoles and PC.

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