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People are proposing to prom dates in Fortnite

Take two hours to stop playing Fortnite and go to prom with me?

Fortnite promposal
A promoposal in Fortnite.

Video games have the magical ability to bring people together, and even make dreams come true. Dreams, for example, like going to prom with other Fortnite-obsessed teens.

Fortnite promposals, a quaint term that refers to high schoolers asking someone to prom using an extravagant setup, aren’t exactly new. People have come up with clever signs and even taken their dates-to-be on hikes to track down loot chests. These new promposals, however, are a little different. It all happens in-game.

One of the best-executed in-game Fortnite promposals made its way to the top of the Fortnite subreddit. The move was executed by a Reddit user who goes by Navypython. They shoot at a specific part of the thin walls that appear, watching as the walls crumble and cascade until the structure forms the question “prom?”

Fortnite promposal Navypython/Reddit

Navypython answered a few questions in the Reddit post, admitting that it took 15 tries of “landing at Wailing and Moisty” before it actually worked. Navypython also confirmed that their hopeful prom date said yes.

“We both knew we were going together but making a special way of asking is just a formality,” Navypython said on Reddit.

Navypython isn’t the only person using Fortnite as a way to ask out a potential prom date in the game. Twitter is full of people who managed to spell the word “prom,” seemingly using the same methodology that Navypython did. At the very least, there are a couple of players who managed to take some quick screenshots of some other person’s hard work to ask their own potential dates — or Epic Games — out to prom.

Promposals may seem pointlessly extravagant, but there’s no question that Fortnite players get creativity points for spending time figuring out exactly how to execute the big moment. Fortnite is even being used as a way to sell high-schoolers on attending prom in the first place. Videos of Fortnite being playable at formal dances like prom have appeared on Twitter.

It’s a good answer to the age-old question, how does someone get students to put down the controller and head out to a high school dance? Naturally, the answer is to bring Fortnite to said dance.

Fortnite is everywhere; it only makes sense that Fortnite would eventually appear at prom.

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