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Here’s what Bungie learned from the Destiny 2 beta

Issues fixed for the PC beta

Destiny 2 - Crucible screenshot Bungie/Activision
Samit Sarkar (he/him) is Polygon’s deputy managing editor. He has more than 16 years of experience covering video games, movies, television, and technology.

Destiny 2’s console beta brought in millions of players to test the game, and developer Bungie is making changes based on all the feedback it received — not just to the final game, but in time for the upcoming beta of its Windows PC version.

“During the console Beta, we learned a lot from the players who entered the Crucible,” said Lars Bakken, design lead for the Crucible, in a blog post from Bungie. “Some of these learnings will be on display in the PC Beta.”

One of the biggest changes comes in matchmaking: Bungie will now tune the parameters separately depending on whether you’re jumping into a Quickplay or Competitive game. In searching for Quickplay games, Destiny 2 will prioritize speed over skill — you’ll have shorter wait times, but you might get lumped in with players who are “outside of your comfort zone,” said Bakken. If you choose Competitive play, the game will take its time to find people who are both closer to your skill level and have a good connection.

Bungie is also addressing many of the complaints regarding the feel of the Destiny 2 console beta. The PC beta will include some fixes for bugs, such as the infinite super glitch, the warlock glide glitch and the infinite grenades glitch. In addition, the warlock’s melee range is now identical to that of the other two classes. Bungie has also made “a few tweaks [...] that will help make for a more enjoyable D2 experience all around,” according to sandbox designer Josh Hamrick.

The most notable changes are a reduction in the time it takes to charge your super attack in the Crucible, and an increase in the frequency of power ammo drops during PvE play. Bungie is not shortening the lengthy cooldowns for abilities, but is raising the amount of damage that grenades do in PvE. “We want abilities to be slightly more rare, but worth it,” said Hamrick.

Destiny 2’s PC beta will go live Aug. 28. For more details, check out the system requirements. The game itself launches Sept. 6 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and Oct. 24 on PC.

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