Save TF2

Save TF2

January 11, 2024
Signatures: 37,374Next Goal: 50,000
100 people signed today

Why this petition matters

Started by Save TF2

Despite being 16+ years old, Team Fortress 2 is one of the most played and most beloved games of all time. However, despite its massive community and long-lasting impact on gaming, TF2 is in an unplayable state. The game is overrun with bots that instantly kill every player trying to play the game, spread hate speech, and use their power over the community for financial gain. We want to show Valve that there is no room in the community for the problematic individuals who host these bots, and This Petition is not a direct means of changing things, but a show of numbers for the number of people who want to take a stand against them. Valve must do something, because these bots shouldn’t have a platform in a beloved and massive game like TF2. We're asking for an open dialogue between Valve and the community. We understand that Valve has other responsibilities, but they have a responsibility to take care of TF2. We ask for open communication from Valve and more clear indication of their plans for TF2. **please do not donate to promote this petition, simply share it with friends**

100 people signed today
Signatures: 37,374Next Goal: 50,000
100 people signed today
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