Mass Effect Andromeda Crafting Possibilities Are “Endless”; Omni-Blade Is Just One Of The Many Melee Weapons

Francesco De Meo
Mass Effect Andromeda

There's still a lot we don't know about Mass Effect Andromeda, the next entry in the series launching soon on PC and consoles, but members of the team have been sharing new details quite often. Today, the game's lead designer talked about crafting and melee weapons, with the new details painting a rather interesting picture.

Speaking about the Mass Effect Andromeda crafting, Ian S. Frazer said that the possibilities will be endless. Senior Designer Justin Perez designed an assault rifle named FAST and a sniper rifle named FURIOUS in his current playthrough, and Frazer himself mentioned that it's possible to create a krogan-style hammer and name it GRABTHAR'S HAMMER.

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Additionally, Ian S. Frazier also talked about melee weapons, confirming that the omni-blade seen in previous trailers is just one of them, and that there's a dedicated melee weapon slot.

Yesterday, some additional details on the game's HDR support emerged online. According to Aaryn Flynn, Mass Effect Andromeda will support both Dolby Vision and HDR10.

Mass Effect Andromeda launches this March on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. We will keep you updated on the game as soon as more comes in on it, so stay tuned for all the latest news.

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