What's next for Spider-Man after Homecoming

More Marvel, more heroes, more adventures

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This weekend has Spider-Man: Homecoming swinging into theaters and, judging by early enthusiastic reviews, will be a smashing, web-errific success. Which, of course, means we can all start the inevitable questioning: what’s next for Spider-Man?

Here’s what we know: Holland will appear in some capacity in the next two Avengers movies — Avengers: Infinity War is already filming — and then in the next untitled Spider-Man standalone film slated for theaters in 2019. “That’s five movies we’re working on, two that have been made already and three more that go into the future and yet all anyone wants to know is what’s next,” sighs Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige in mock exasperation.

Tom Holland, for one, is excited. “What’s been so nice about doing Homecoming is that we [he and director Jon Watts] went into this completely green and we’ve learned so much.” He remembers when he first met Watts, back on the set of Captain America: Civil War. “We sat in my trailer and looked at each other like, What is happening to our lives?,” Holland says. “Jon is like, ‘I’m directing the next Spider-Man, and I’ve only ever made one movie.’ And I’m like, ‘Dude. I’m playing Spider-Man, and I’m 19 years old.” He laughs. “I can’t wait to start on the second movie so we can go into it knowing what we know now.”

Such as? “Jon figured out an interesting idea for the suit,” he says. “It’s so difficult to see or breathe or drink water or be a normal human inside the mask. His idea is to take off the mask and [digitally put it back] in later. It’s something to figure out together.”

Watts, it should be said, has not yet confirmed whether he’ll return for the sequel. “For me it’s one movie at a time,” he says. “I can’t wait to see Infinity War because I know what they’re doing but I don’t know the specifics. I feel like with Tom and with Spider-Man in this Marvel universe we’re just scratching the surface of what we can do.”

Holland, however, is far less cagey. “[Watts] is coming back for the next one. We can’t do another Spider-Man movie without Jon Watts.”

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