WordleBot could help you get better at Wordle

A photo of Wordle running on an iPhone

Photo: Michael McWhertor/Polygon

The New York Times, which has owned Wordle since January, has created a new tool to analyze solutions for the viral word game. Using statistics — math! — the WordleBot tool scores your completed Wordle solutions “for luck and skill on a scale from 0 to 99,” according to the company. It’ll then use that information to tell you how you could have improved your solutions to solve Wordle in as few words as possible. The New York Times says it could help you improve how you play.

It works through a web browser, just like Wordle. First, you’ll need to play Wordle, and then, using that same device, visit the WordleBot website. It’ll find your most recent Wordle, and pull it up. (If it doesn’t you can also upload a screenshot of your completed board.) From there, it shows you some stats. Then the tool runs through your guesses, row by row, to determine how many solutions your guesses cut out.

comparing wordle solution

Image: The New York Times via Polygon

It ranks these words with that 0-to-99 score in both skill and luck, while also showing you the best word to solve the game quicker. (You can also expand the stats to dive deeper into the math.)

If you pay attention to what WordleBot is telling you, it could help improve your overall statistics. The New York Times also said you can use it as a “tiebreaker” in your group chats with family — a way to prove who is actually the best Wordle player.

“We hope the bot’s advice will help you think about Wordle more analytically, which will help you get better at solving the puzzles in the long run,” Josh Katz and Matthew Conlen wrote on The New York Times. “In addition, it may serve as a tiebreaker of sorts for those of you involved in competitive text chains with friends and family. If a Wordle took you five turns but you answered more efficiently than your friends, WordleBot may provide some bragging rights. If you did everything right and were simply unlucky, it will tell you that too. We’ll leave it to you to decide which is more important.”

If you want to read up on more about how WordleBot works to analyze Wordle, the New York Times has a lengthy explainer.



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