Zombie Army 4: Dead War is a game where players battle the zombie armies of Hitler as they pour forth from a Hellmouth. It’s a terrible world where Europe is overrun by the walking dead, and it takes a lot of firepower to clean it up. Well, reinforcements have arrived.
The original cast of Left 4 Dead: Zoey, Francis, Louis, and Bill, are all playable characters in the game’s latest season, Rebellion Entertainment announced on Tuesday. Zombie Army 4’s latest update also adds a new map and mission. Players can delve into the Abaddon Asylum in the second mission of the “Return to Hell” campaign, where players must hunt down the deadly Baron Umbra.
The map is available for $6.99, but the Left 4 Dead Character Pack is free on all platforms.
This isn’t the first time the Left 4 Dead cast have wandered out of their original game. All eight characters from both Left 4 Dead titles were playable in the original Zombie War trilogy. Bill has even shown up in Dead by Daylight, where players can uncover some scary lore about his past in Vietnam.
Zombie Army 4: Dead War launched in February 2020 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.