Introducing... production alchemy!

We've added a special new mini-campaign to the end of the Opus Magnum story that introduces production alchemy, where you must build solutions that fit inside production-grade transmutation engines like the one in the GIF below. If you've been looking for a more "classic" (i.e. challenging) Zachtronics experience in Opus Magnum this might scratch your itch!

The Journal of Alchemical Engineering

If it's been a while since you've played Opus Magnum, we now have four full issues of the Journal of Alchemical Engineering, including the most recent one that introduces a new element, quintessence, and two new glyphs for working with it. This issue even includes a new variant of Sigmar's Garden that adds quintessence for a new level of strategy!

The Zachtronics Store is still available!

We're still running the Zachtronics Store for a few more weeks, where you can buy signed copies of SHENZHEN SOLITAIRE for DOS and achievement patches for Infinifactory and Opus Magnum players who have beaten those games. Check out the page for more information!

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