For the past two quarters, Sony has failed to provide an update on PS Plus’ total number of subscribers. The platform holder is not required to reveal this statistic, of course, but it’s always provided an interesting point of reference as the figure fluctuates throughout the year. Generally the service has hit a ceiling of around 50 million members, although it has managed to extract more money from existing users with the introduction of its Extra and Premium tiers.
It's particularly interesting that the organisation has stopped sharing updates as it rolls out a massive price increase, which is sure to have an impact on the number of paying members moving forwards. Subscriptions have generally hit a bit of a wall of late, with even Microsoft’s heavily publicised Xbox Game Pass service failing to find significant growth in the United States specifically. Once considered the future of the industry, that’s beginning to look unlikely right now.
Awkwardly, the Japanese giant’s latest financial report does mention PS Plus subscribers, but only shares data for the previous fiscal year, with the previous two quarters completely absent. While we can’t imagine PS Plus is failing, the platform holder tends to conceal information when its numbers aren’t up to snuff, as observed during the PS Vita era, for example, when it combined the handheld’s sales numbers with PS4 to help shield them.
Back in August, the manufacturer said it’ll no longer share the numbers, but it’ll be interesting to see if it ever changes its stance. The company didn’t cite a reason for its decision, and instead implied it’s focused on improving the service primarily. In all likelihood, it’s probably hoping to avoid unfavourable comparisons with rivals, and the negative headlines that come associated with fluctuations in the total number of paying members.
[source sony.com]
Comments 52
@BeerIsAwesome It's possible, yes. Or that they're expecting them to drop in the near future.
They said they were going to stop showing the numbers straight after Games with Gold was converted into GamePass to inflate the numbers.
For the first time since plus was available, I'm letting my account lapse. Tired of Sony and their anti consumer policies. I think I have 6 more months
I can confirm that they have dropped by at least one. Me. I let my subscription lapse this month. It just wasn't worth it to me anymore.
I have Premium and it expires in about 12 days time.
Unless there's a massive black Friday sale that I'd be an idiot to ignore I think I'm going to let it lapse.
Or at the very least I'm going to drop down a tier (or 2)
They know people are letting their subscriptions lapse or they are downgrading their tier.
Can't increase the price by this much without expecting some backlash.
@TrickyDicky99 Nope.
I won't be included in the figures when my subscription ends in a few weeks. Just couldn't justify it after that price increase.
If the numbers were up and growing they would publicly share it as publicity to get even more people to join.
I've been saying that Sony represents their numbers in ways that are more favourable for their goals, even if it's not the most accurate representation of the way things are, especially around digital sales. Some made fun about that idea and that Sony would be risking legal trouble by doing so. Anybody who did any statistical research should know how easy it is to skew the numbers to support whatever you want to promote. I. This case it's merely by omission, but I'm sure they have there ways. Only real legal troubles would be outright lying, especially in regards to taxes or doing something that would piss off the shareholders.
The illusion of unending growth has finally hit a brick wall. The people that got fired came from the COVID boom with people getting back to their more "normal" life. (by that i mean it's still a mess in the world but atleast we can go outside)
EVERY corporation brags when they are on top. If PS Plus was on the up, I can guarantee that you would know.
People simply do not see the value for money in what we are getting. Give me the Classics that i was promised, Sony.
Is the only company that actually gives hard numbers regardless of how bad things are, Nintendo?
Xbox won't give hardware or subscriber updates anymore, Sony won't update subscription numbers either.
I'm still undecided if I'll continue with my Premium sub or not. For me it's just a matter of convenience of turning on the console and being able to stream PS3 games.
I guess it depends on the black friday sale.
I let my Australian account lapse and downgraded my Japanese account to Essential after trying Premium and not utilising its features. I really wish there were a basic level of PS Plus that would just allow me to pay for cloud saves, play online multiplayer and access the additional store discounts for members. I can’t remember the last time I actually played one of the free monthly games despite adding them to my library. PS Plus membership peaked for me when I could get a PS3, PS4 and Vita game monthly. There was often a free monthly theme, too! Haha yes I’m super nostalgic for that era of PlayStation…
A few years back I remember thinking about all of the negative press that Sony gets. Some of it was with good reason like almost closing the PS3 store with little to no warning (the one time they made me angry), but most was just due to assumptions based on half facts, misunderstood data or poor communication by Sony. Plus various websites who needed headlines to generate traffic.
It also became popular to dislike and complain about Sony around 2016 too. (I read a Forbes article just a few days ago where the guy was still inaccurately portraying some of what happened during the ABK saga.)
To avoid the pitfalls of never ending bad publicity no matter what you do, I've been wondering for ages when will companies like Sony cut their communication down to nothing more than;
1. These games will be out next year.
2. This is how much this latest first-party game sold.
3. See you later.
If current sales are anything to go by, Sony doesn't need to communicate much more than that to us in order to make us spend money anyway 🤷
As for the Plus price hike, my initial reaction was "feck this", but I'm making use of Sony Core since they added that and PlayStation Stars is saving me a few euro here and there too so I'll give them to the end of my current sub in November 2024 before making any decisions there.
They mentioned that anime content would be added to Core too. I want to see how that develops...
Honestly doubt this is about fears of being compared to GamePass subscription numbers, especially since Microsoft rarely gives updates on those figures. I am sure this is due to two back-to-back quarters of subscription declines.
As many that have posted here, I too decided to cancel my account. I never play online on my PS5, and honestly can’t remember when was the last time I played a game I claimed. I was basically paying a yearly fee to keep my save files backed to the cloud, and that fee just got too high to be dismissed.
I'm debating dropping it after w 40 percent hike in my region I can't justify it anymore and I was too tired I've still got it stacked for 2 years but I see myself dropping it or exclusively buying 12 months subs when they are 30 percent off like during black friday sales
So what? Xbox have never given us actual subcriver numbers for gamepass.
Does this mean subscriptions have gone down? Maybe. But does it actually matter?
Not particularly
I do not get any benefit from online play...I like to chill drink smoke have a laugh with my real mates..... and not want to connect and be trolled to Oblivion ..cloud saves lol..no PS Plus or whatever its called now could die a cold death for all I care ..and by the looks at the comments many are now seeing it for what it is..a rip off!!!.
A decline isn't as bad as growing stale, investors actually hate the latter and see some prospect in the former.
If Sony hasn't published a number its probably on the same boat as MS: the numbers have gone stale.
I’ve been a PS+ subscriber since 2014 and this is literally the first time I have let it lapse. It will take some incredible games to get me back on but for now the games I do want to play are never going to be included so there is little point.
Im guessing numbers were plateauing and they thought "how can we increase profits, if numbers if subscribers are plateauing?"
"I know we will increase the price!"
They are fully aware (I presume) that numbers will dip.
But I guess they are taking that gamble and hoping the new price will be accepted as the norm.....whilst lost members end up comming back (Probably saw Netflix figures of how price changes affected their membership numbers or something)
@Shepherd_Tallon Even better, they don’t do number 1) of your list either.
So many subscriptions services still see growth even with price increase and investors likes it as means perpetual revenues up to a point, therefore I could see that Sony avoid the subject if they do less well than many other subscriptions services, especially if these are not a big part of their overall revenue.
After everything shown during ABK deal it doesn’t surprise me they don’t want things in the open. Keep cards close to chest etc eyc
I wish the digital games on the PS store had better prices and discounts, this is what they desperately need to improve.
If physical games and a disk drive are scrapped in the next gen. PS6 loads more members will disappear, because the prices on the PS store are a rip off (after the initial release price).
Good. Hopefully they'll keep dropping till they realize they can't increase the prices as much as they want when they're already making record profits. I'm letting my lapse as well in 2024. If enough of us stop renewing for a while, they'll do something about it.
After the recent price hikes, you can imagine the numbers dropped a fair bit
BeerIsAwesome wrote:
It's possible subscriber numbers have dropped, but the data we DO have doesn't seem to support that yet. i.e. their revenue from these services GREW YoY +16.88% in Q1 and + 14.43% in Q2.
Q2 ended 30 Sept, and while new pricing technically went active on 6 Sept the reality is most would still be locked in at the old price on annual, or even monthly plans, so it's unlikely to have a large effect on subscriber numbers in these results. It might in future.
I think it's more likely one of two things.
1) They have been stuck around 47.5 million since covid (where it briefly went over 50 million) it isn't moving FORWARD, so they don't want to publicise this. It appears weak to investors
2) As @get2sammyb they expect a drop in subscribers in future. To be fair that is EXPECTED after a price hike, and is factored in as part of the planned churn. I would expect a small drop, when subs expire
Premium sub runs till August next year. Tbh all it takes is half a dozen more must play PS1 and PSP classics for me to renew Premium for another year. Not been happy with many of the added Premium classics recently. Don't much care for streaming even though the option is a nice feature to have and the time trial demos haven't used once yet. Its just the classic game selection that needs improving and if they get some PS2 games with added trophies as well I'll definitely be renewing no hesitations. PS2 classics and tricky PS3 classics on Premium would be huge. Still in the fomo phase of the Premium sub atm but that could change next year if there's not much improvement to the classics selection?
Clearly they're just humble and don't like bragging, you guys.
Why communicate more than you have to? Seeing as how MS has hidden their sub numbers for ages, what do Sony gain by continuing to publish theirs?
I remain happy with my sub, and I must be the weird one, as I'm happy to let my GP ultimate sub lapse after tomorrow. I have too much to play and xbox has been a big disappointment to me all year. I can always start it up again if they ever deliver...meantime I prefer to play on a machine that doesn't treat my dash as free advertising and with controllers I prefer.
GP is fantastic value, but only if you use it.
I haven’t subscribed once since the changes.
@ILikeStake Exactly how is a price increase an Anti Consumer policy. I see a lot of people throwing it around without really understanding what that means or what it implies. Yes I get it, its more expensive now, but the price hike isn't absurd and given the state of the economy we should be happy it wasn't higher. Second waht you are paying for are services that need to be maintained. If they can't pay their staff to make said services work and stay running and expand them, then isn't that anti-consumer as well. Sony has been expanding and changing PS+ a lot this year, I'd have to say its been in an attempt to give the customer what they want.
That's putting aside my own issues with PS+ and moves that I would take with PSN as a whole. As I don't think the current model is particularly good. The Base tier of PS+ is probably anti-consumer for just existing as it is.
Get rid of the free games, they don't serve their original purpose anymore and only a small subset really takes advantage of them. Online Play should be free. Cloud Saves should be part of the base tier along with any thing else that enhances online play.
Straight Free PSN should basically include: Trophies, Online play, Friends lists, and Party Chat
Tier 1 or Base PS+ should include: Cloud Saves, Trophy help, Discord (maybe?), share function uploads to the app. This should be as cheap as it has always been. Get rid of the free games and you're in good shape. Even if you use the existing model getting rid of hte free games would help keep that cost down.
Tier 2 and 3, extra/Premium respectively could probably stay the same.
Even then I wouldn't call that anti-consumer, its just trying to figure out hte market and finding that balance betwee profitability and benefitting your consumer base.
Nothing about the price hike is anti-consumer. I'd honestly poke at your politicians for making stupid decisions that resulted in inflation so bad that people are crying for a recession.
Like many others here, I'm letting my sub lapse. I don't need the whole syphon filter series and psp games that haven't been updated so we can use both analog sticks. U can tell, especially with the classics, they have found the very cheapest games they could aquire licenses for and they still had the cheek to increase the price so heavily.
@NotSoCryptic It's not the price increase, it's the no refund policy and no support when you have issues. Sorry you wrote a book after your assumption though.
Mine will lapse until there is an irresistible multiplayer console game out... If they aren't able to get something great out the door I could see myself playing MH6 on Switch 2's service! Yikes.
I am no longer a subscriber. I am able to justify a NSO and game pass sub but just couldn't anymore with ps+.
Who would sign up seeing the winners they gave away last month and this month. Arrow pointing down.
I have Game Pass Ultimate and Nintendo Switch Online but after my Premium PS+ expires I won't be renewing. There's really no value in it for me.
@ILikeStake What anti-consumer policies are you referring to?
Of course, growth was slow even before the price increase, but now it's definitely going to decline, it's inevitable.
I'm playing single player games ATM and my Final Fantasy XIV Online as my internet game.
When did you all turn into a bunch of entitled whiners? Paying a yearly subscription for 30 / 40 games, access to games library and it's online features is still good value for money.
@Raynor85x There should be a tier for just online features that's cheap. Honestly if I weren't an adult there'd only be like 2-3 games a year that I could play on the essential service, and even as an adult there was only like 3 games each year that I had any interest in tops. That's why I gave up on the service and with such a massive price hike I don't see myself ever signing back up unless Sony does the unthinkable and locks the use of the PlayStation Store behind a PS+ subscription paywall.
Probably because they're falling and don't want to admit they screwed up hiking them.
Perhaps Sony found the numbers of subscribers dwindling and THEN decided to raise the subscription prices to cover the cost. The economy is getting worse and people have to work more to make ends meet so there are less time and budget for gaming. Right now it makes more sense to buy a game or two when there's sale and finish them first before buying new ones. My two cents anyway...
I’m letting my Essential sub lapse after 6 years. The price increase is too much for me. I’d rather spend that money on games.
My Extra sub runs out in four days. I was thinking of resubscribing if there was a decent Black Friday special, but have found that since the price increase I’ve just not played any of the Extra games, so I’ll save me some cash instead
Subs = Subs - 1
@ILikeStake A book lol. child, I read more that says less in a corporate email each day.
As far as the No Refund. Ive gotten a few, they don't have the best refund policy in the world. I think steam still holds that honor, but then again its your fault for buying digital if thats a problem for you. Literally the main reason I don't buy new releases digitally, as someone who commonly preorders games. Hurting their own market there. I've gotten support with my issues. Sorry you've had bad luck.
As far as assumptions go, if I made them, its because you wrote so very little in the first place, what else was I left with other than a vague assertion based on the topic. I'd say if there was a shift in discussion you didn't intend, then its largely your fault for not communicating yourself properly.
Not everything I wrote there was about my response directly. There were some actual points, actually related to PS+ that you might have found interesting. I'm guessing you TL;DR'd your way through it like you do life. I can't wait till STOP signs are TLDR. It'll be a crazy world we live in at that point.
@NotSoCryptic They don't provide support for issues with physical games either and yeah I didn't come here for a debate or passive aggressive insults so last reply you'll get from me
@ILikeStake "They don't provide support for issues with physical games either"
What do you mean by "support for issues"? What issues do you need them for with a physical game or did that point just go over your head. Take the game back to the store. Get a refund. Sell the game. Is it a technical issue for a game they make? Or are you call them over a Namco Bandai game to figure out why your Tekken 7 match keeps stuttering.
My recommendation if you didn't come to the internet to debate, don't comment or at the least don't respond ever. You're not ready for the internet if you're just here to spout what ever random thought enters your head and not expecting a response that challenges you to explain your position.
To be quiet honest any passive aggression you get on here is justified, given your inability to engage in proper discourse.
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