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Success Without A Diploma: How 3 MIT Dropouts Made It Big

Updated Sep 18, 2017, 11:40am EDT
This article is more than 6 years old.

You've probably heard the stories of the dropouts-turned-geniuses of years past: Albert Einstein left school at 16; Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak both dropped out of college early on; Bill Gates left after a year at Harvard. But is that kind of success still possible today, when many consider post-secondary education to be a staple?

Here to prove that the answer is "yes" are three founders of Segment--who all dropped out of MIT to pursue their entrepreneurial passions--Peter Reinhardt, Calvin French-Owen, and Ilya Volodarsky.

From left to right -- Calvin French-Owen, Ilya Volodarsky, and Peter Reinhardt


Laurence Bradford: Can you each give yourselves a quick introduction?

Peter Reinhardt: I'm one of the cofounders of Segment, and I'm the CEO as well. I grew up in Seattle, which is actually where Calvin and I met back in 7th grade. Then, met [the rest of] these guys at MIT when I was studying Aerospace Engineering.

Calvin French-Owen: I'm Calvin, I'm another one of the cofounders at Segment. I work primarily on technical and backend things. I'm currently acting as Segment's CTO, so I work a lot with AWS setup, the data pipelines, the architectural, building out new pieces of the system.

Ilya Volodarsky: I work in the products engineering team, so both doing products and engineering. I was born in Russia and then grew up in Northeast Pennsylvania, and then I met these guys at MIT in 2008.

Bradford: So all three of you went to MIT, however Peter and Calvin, you two met at an earlier time?

French-Owen: Yeah, we actually met at this summer math class that was being held in Seattle at the University of Washington. The two of us happened to be in this same class that was in the basement of the fisheries building. That's where we first bonded, counting fish.

Bradford: And how did you meet the two of them, Ilya?

Volodarsky: We first met at campus preview weekend [at MIT]. I'm walking around, checking out the dorms, and I walked into one of the doors and Peter and Calvin just happened to be there.

Bradford: Which would have been in 2008. But you didn't drop out of MIT until 2011, correct?

Volodarsky: Basically, long story short, we just hacked around on different side projects for a few years, until we settled on one and then we dropped out to do Y Combinator in the summer of 2011.

Bradford: Tell me about that first company idea that you took to Y Combinator. It wasn't Segment yet, right?

French-Owen: At the time it was something completely different. When we first started we figured, "hey, we're students, we should be solving student problems." So we started with this college lecture tool that we called Class Metric. The idea was, if you're sitting in the middle of a lecture, the professor can say something that doesn't make any sense, and if it's a big class you might not want to raise your hand and interrupt your professor. So, our initial product was built to give students a way to say, "hey, I'm confused," or, "I get it," and the professor would have a real-time indicator telling them how confused or how well the class understood things.

Bradford: So Class Metric is the startup you took to Y Combinator. How did that go?

Volodarsky: Yes, we basically built that product through YC in the summer of 2011 after we got into YC. Then, we started beta testing it at the end of the summer. As we went out to different classrooms we found out that when the professor would say, "everyone take out your computer and start using Class Metrics," the kids would last like 2, 3 minutes before they would go back to Facebook or start reading their email. So very quickly we realized that, basically, it's not a good idea to disrupt classes where people are actually paying attention and taking notes on paper by asking them to take out their computer.

Reinhardt: It was literally like 30 days after we had raised our 500K seed round that we realized, "Oh, we have to call back all these investors and tell them it's a bad idea."

Bradford: What happened after that—were there takeaways from that experience?

Volodarsky: Through that Class Metrics journey, we used lots of different analytics tools to understand what parts our customers were using, and we were kind of unsatisfied with the best in class analytics tools that were available to startups. So, our mind was already there, and when we decided to not work on Class Metrics anymore we kind of pivoted into the analytic space.

Bradford: Is that when you guys started Segment, then?

Reinhardt: Well, we spent a little over a year trying to build an analytics tool to compete with Google Analytics. Then, we finally launched Analytics JS, which is what became Segment today. So there was a little over a year and a half in there of struggle.

Bradford: Give me the nutshell version: what does Segment do?

French-Owen: The two cents version is, as we were building the other analytics products we found there were a lot of different types of job roles that people were doing at those companies. Sales people who were reaching out to the customers and emailing them directly, tracking them within Salesforce. Marketing people who were using tools like HubSpot to generate and post content, and maybe manage other type of things. Analysts that would go straight to the data. Product managers that would use tools like Mixpanel and others to analyze their users. Though we found there were actually thousands of these different tools out there that do these different jobs particularly well, they all kind of require the same data under the hood. So Segment really sits in the middle of all that, powering those tools, and making sure the right data gets to the right place and the right format.

Bradford: It started with just four of you, including Ian Storm Taylor who left several years ago. How many people work at Segment today?

Reinhardt: About 160 people total. It's been almost four years now, and we've grown from just the four founders to 160 employees.

Bradford: When you're interviewing candidates, do you take into consideration their college education?

Reinhardt: It's really not something we pay attention to. I think we have someone who just skipped college entirely and is one of our star engineers. I think there are probably a number of people on the team who don't have a college education or certainly didn't go to an Ivy League school. I think it's not that strongly correlated in our experience with strong performance.

Bradford: What kinds of things do you look at in a candidate?

Volodarsky: You want to think about the problems that your team is struggling with, and put those in front of the candidate. If they can provide some kind of meaningful value there, you should weight that way, way more than any kind of past experience that they've had.

Bradford: Think about the "A player" employees at Segment. Are there any characteristics they have in common?

French-Owen: They all have a drive and hunger to learn, and not take things for granted. You are the master or the owner of your own future. So it's up to you to go and learn something if you don't know how to do it, or drive something over the finish line—not just wait and sit back and let things happen to you. We basically hired this one guy, sight unseen, after seeing him on Github sharing code and responding to issues, day after day, learning new things and solving problems. He hadn't had any kind of formal job experience, but every time we give him something he would just blow past it and just destroy our expectations.

Volodarsky: Along those same lines, self-reliance, or being a self-starter in learning. Ideating and pursuing side projects, no matter how simple they are, is incredibly important. When we were in college, we would just talk about different small computer programs that we can build. Then we'd go and figure out how to build them.

Bradford: Finally, do you have any regrets about dropping out of school?

Reinhardt: We had a full three years there, so I think all I had left was like my senior capstone project. So, yeah, we don't have the credential, but the MIT alumni Twitter handle still tweets out occasionally as if we were.

French-Owen: Actually, Peter, I think you said this once. It's fascinating how every startup has their own really individual, really unique journey. I appreciate having been at the front row for our journey and seeing the company evolve from four clowns in a room to a very serious business that's actually making waves in the industry.

Volodarsky: I don't have many regrets. I think MIT is a really good place to learn theoretical computer science, but I find that many of the hardest skills to be a successful software engineer you learn in the industry right afterwards: learning how to be on a team, set a team's mission and vision, and keep people motivated. I've just loved our journey here. It's been an amazing ride with all the really smart people we're able to work with now.

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