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Simply Mindful: How Burnout Inspired One Entrepreneur's Million-Dollar Idea

Updated Sep 13, 2018, 04:51pm EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.

After three years of punishing workweeks to get her lock-screen app Locket off the ground, an exhausted Yunha Kim, 29, turned to meditation. “I was kind of skeptical,” says Kim, a Forbes 30 Under 30 honoree. “But after I started meditating, it just changed my life, the way I responded to stress and my perspective.”

Inspired by the practice, Kim tried every meditation app she could find, but each one left her disappointed. The problem, she soon realized, was that most apps featured just one teacher and one meditation technique—and Kim yearned for variety. So she sold Locket to start Simple Habit, a mindfulness platform that offers 1,000 (and counting) guided meditations. 

Since its founding in 2016, Simple Habit has been downloaded by 2.5 million users, more than 50,000 of whom pay to unlock all the platform’s features. On-the-go meditations for situations ranging from finding purpose to unwinding after work to preparing for a flight have earned Kim and her lean team of 15 the 2018 Google Play Award for Standout Well-Being App, not to mention more than $5 million in annual recurring revenue.

“Our vision is to create a world where everyone can live their life feeling happier and more connected,” says Kim. “Meditation is one of the best ways to do it, because you don’t need to commit hours—you just need five minutes, anywhere, anytime.”

In this interview, Kim shares how she got started and what sets her app apart from the competition, and offers a glimpse into her own meditation practice.

Vicky Valet: What were you doing before you founded Simple Habit?

Yunha Kim: I started my career in investment banking in New York and left to start my first company, which was called Locket. In 2015 I sold the company and went to Stanford Business School. That’s where I started Simple Habit.

Valet: How did Simple Habit start?

Kim: There are so many prominent meditation teachers who don’t have a presence on the web because they haven’t had the time to build their own app. I thought, "There's no meditation Spotify. Let's build it." Teachers can focus on creating content, and we’ll create the platform for them to distribute and monetize.

Valet: How does the platform work?

Kim: Meditation teachers apply to Simple Habit and we vet them to make sure they’re top-notch. We ask them to share their audio, and after our vetting process, we let them on our platform. It’s a two-side marketplace: On the supply side, there are meditation teachers, and on the demand side, there are users. Oftentimes, meditation apps don’t work this way—they take more of a publisher approach, where they create content in-house.

Valet: What sets Simple Habit apart in this growing space?

Kim: We have over 75 teachers constantly creating new content. Every week we have new meditations for all kinds of problems—from getting over an ex to feeling nervous before a presentation or an exam.

Valet: Why an app?

Kim: It works really well for millennials, because they consume everything on mobile and our meditations are customized for on-the-go. We actually have a web presence, as well, and we’re rebuilding it so that it’s much stronger.

Valet: How have you financed it?

Kim: Initially, I bootstrapped, because I knew what kind of commitment it would be to raise money from investors. I wanted to prove to myself that I had a viable business and a meaningful mission. Last year I dropped out of Stanford Business School and went through Y Combinator. After graduating, we closed a funding round of $2.5 million from investors like New Enterprise Associates, Dropbox CEO Drew Houston and Gusto CEO Joshua Reeves. Since then, we've grown the business five times and are doing over $5 million in annual recurring revenue.

Valet: What was your pitch to investors?

Kim: There are three components to it. The first is the space in the market. Stress is an ever-growing problem. In fact, one in five Americans has anxiety, and another one in five has depression. It’s the leading cause of disability worldwide, and treatments are often very costly or time consuming. In the U.S. alone, we spend trillions of dollars on general healthcare costs, and somewhere between 70% to 90% of primary care doctor visits are stress-related. If we could reduce that, even by a few percentage points, by making self-care more accessible, that’s billions of dollars saved.

The second piece is the business model. We were the first platform to allow teachers to monetize. Our marketplace platform means a variety of content, and because we have so many teachers on the supply side, our content quality will only improve as we grow on the demand side.

The third piece is traction. If you go to the App Store and search “meditation,” we’re the first result. Eighty percent of our users meditate seven or more times per week—that’s just off the charts.

Valet: What’s your business model?

Kim: From the user side, we are a freemium model. You can use our product for free, but if you want to unlock all of our meditations, you can pay a monthly or yearly subscription fee. We share a subset of that revenue with our teachers, based on their number of listens.  

Valet: What has been your biggest challenge?

Kim: Prioritizing. We get reached out to by companies who want to buy Simple Habit in bulk and offer it as part of their benefits. For the sake of growth, I'm sometimes tempted to build a tool for employers to track engagement, but that's going to take away from our customer business.

Valet: What has been your greatest success?

Kim: The fact that we were able to build such a high-quality network of teachers. These are people who teach at Columbia [University] or tech companies, like Google. Some of them are executive coaches or psychologists. They ultimately allow us to create a better product for customers.

Valet: What’s next for Simple Habit?

Kim: In the next five years, I want Simple Habit to be the destination for mental wellness. How do we do that? By really focusing on solving people’s needs. We’re always doing a lot of user research to understand their problems, and we want to get all of the world’s experts—whether they’re meditation teachers, therapists, doctors, psychologists—and build out this marketplace so we have really rich content that’s going to help people live better.

Valet: How often do you meditate?

Kim: I usually meditate twice a day, when I first wake up in the morning and at night before going to bed. At our company, we meditate together as a team before starting meetings. When you go into a meeting, you carry what you were working on and that email that you haven’t sent with you, so starting with a one-minute meditation really grounds a team and helps people focus.

Valet: Do you have a favorite meditation?

Kim: I have many. There’s one about having a difficult conversation that’s good. We have really good sleep meditations and meditations for important meetings. There’s one for presentations, as well. In fact, on Y Combinator’s demo day, I think I did that meditation like 10 times. There’s one for commuting as well, so while walking to work I meditate to that.

Valet: What advice would you give to professionals thinking of quitting their jobs to start a company?

Kim: Building a company is fun for the first year or two, but it will go through difficult times. During those times, what’s going to keep you sane and motivated is your mission. This company you’re building, what impact could it have in the world? Always think about that mission and make sure you’re 100% committed.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

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