Apex Legends will piggyback its retro Genesis event with another content update, Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts announced on Thursday morning. Apex’s newest event, Thrillseekers, adds a new Arena map filled with lava, a weekly reward track, and a host of new cosmetics. Thrillseekers will run July 13 to Aug. 3.
Overflow, the new arena map, is the star of the Thrillseekers event and its trailer above. The setting is a large lava factory, where several ramps pump lava into a large pit (also filled with lava). Overflow has some narrow corridors and a long slope separating its upper and lower deck.
For each of Thrillseekers’ three weeks, players can engage in a new reward track. Players who reach the end of the first week can pick up the Rampart Wastelander Set and some other goodies. The second week just offers Battle Pass boosters, metals, and Apex packs.
But the final week includes the Lethal Enforcer Bangalore skin and a boxing glove charm. Players can unlock these rewards by completing daily Challenges — netting up to 1,000 points a day. Participants will need to earn 3,000 points per week to complete the reward tracks.
Of course, Thrillseekers also comes with a host of cosmetics for players to get their hands on, like boxing skins for Revenant and Pathfinder. There are also some in-store deals on returning skins in the Summer Splash Sale.