Apex Legends’ season 13 trailer introduces Newcastle and a giant new monster

Apex’s newest Legend is ready for the Arena, and the game’s got a new trailer to show off his many shielding abilities. In the first trailer for Apex Legends’ new season, Savior, we get glimpses of Newcastle’s skills, along with some exciting fights, and one giant sea-faring monster. Apex Legends: Savior is set to be released April 28.

The trailer’s main standout is Newcastle, who seems to be positioned as the game’s newest Legend, which fits the leak from March. Newcastle was first revealed as Jackson, Bangalore’s brother, in an earlier Stories from the Outlands cinematic. This is the first time we’ve seen him in action in the Apex Arena, and the first time Bangalore realized the mysteriously masked Newcastle was actually her long-lost brother.

Newcastle’s got a major focus on shields, it seems, which comes in handy in the trailer as he, his sister, and the rest of the Legends in the Arena face off against a massive enemy that invades in the middle of their match. The creature emerges from the ocean and takes out of a couple of Legends before Newcastle shields everyone and they manage to take it out.

While this trailer certainly teases a lot of additions for Apex season 13, we won’t know for sure what’s on the way until Respawn reveals a bit more when the season arrives later this week.



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